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Eagles by Aircraft/Specialty
the Vought F4U Corsair

Walsh, Kenneth A.

Walsh, Kenneth A.

Lieutenant Colonel Ken Walsh is the top scoring living F4U Corsair ace with 21 air victories and 140 combat missions. “Join the Marines and Learn to Fly” was the poster that prompted Walsh to enlist in the Corps as a private on 15 December 1933. He served...
Henriquez, Fernando Soto

Henriquez, Fernando Soto

Honduran Air Force Captain Fernando Soto is credited with the only aerial victories ever recorded by a Central American air force. Soto was born in 1939 in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. He began his education at the Federico Froebel Elementary School and then went on to high...

Bordelon, Guy P. Jr

Guy Bordelon is the only United States Navy ace from the Korean War. Bordelon was born in Ruston, Louisiana, in 1922. He became an Eagle Scout and in 1939 graduated from high school in Alexandria. He began pre-law studies at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, and later...

Bolt, John F.

Jack Bolt is the only Marine Corps ace of the Korean War, and one of only seven Americans to become an ace in two wars! Born in Laurens, South Carolina in 1921, he studied at the University of Florida for 2 years. In the summer of 1941, he joined the Marine Corps...